I was speaking to one of my relatives a few weeks ago who has Type 2 Diabetes. While we’ve had this conversation before, I had to remind them that one of the ways blood sugar levels can be managed is by regular hot tub soaking. After speaking with her, I realized that, while this is a well-known documented fact to those of us in the hot tub industry, it still escapes most folks out there who live with Diabetes. So, we’re here to remind you: a hot tub can help!
The New England Journal of Medicine published a study way back in 1999. In the study, it was determined that hot tub therapy helped reduce blood sugar levels. One of the reasons it was deemed effective is hot water immersion helps stimulate the beneficial effects of exercise.
The study required use of a hot tub for a minimum of thirty minutes a day six days a week. After three weeks in the study, patients averaged a natural reduction in blood sugar levels of 13%! One participant actually reduced daily insulin intake by 18% after just ten days in the study.
Since hot tubbing also mimics some of the positive attributes of exercise without the need for physical exertion, it can be beneficial for folks with physical limitations that prevent regular exercise.
Obviously, before pursuing this as part of your health plan, you should make a visit to your physician and make sure this is a recommended course of therapy. If you’re given a green light, why wouldn’t regular hot tub soaking be a great avenue to help manage Diabetes!
If you don’t yet have a hot tub, absolutely visit one of our showrooms today to check out our line of Hot Spring Spas. As the world’s best-selling brand with superior filtration and the ability to soak in the most chemical free water, you’ll absolutely be making the right decision to invest in better health.
Check out the entire article from the New England Journal of Medicine.
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