Year after year, it’s a true treat and pleasure to deliver a new Hot Spring Spa to families across the greater Portland region for the holiday. If you’re thinking about the ultimate gift to give your family or a loved one this coming season, why not delight them with a Hot Spring Spa?
When you make this decision, you’re giving a gift that keeps giving every single day! Here are a few reasons why a Hot Spring Spa is such a great choice:
- Better health. It’s well documented that soaking in a Hot Spring Spa will be a gateway to a healthier you. It’s great for achy joints, sore muscles, arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia…the list goes on.
- Better sleep. It’s also a well-known fact that taking a hot tub about an hour before bed helps your body fall into REM sleep and aids in getting a full restful night of slumber with fewer mid-night wakeups.
- Better relationships. Getting the chance to share a hot tub with your family, friends and that special someone gives you a unique chance to relax, unwind and talk with one another. You’ll find yourself in a much more connected place with those in your life.
- Better back yard. A Hot Spring Spa allows you to utilize your backyard space in a new way. You’ll find it will inspire you to transform your outdoor landscape into a haven and increase the frequency you get outdoors.
- Better connection with nature. It’s truly wonderful to take a soak, float in silence and just You’ll delight in the sounds of nature, from the chirps of birds and croaks of frogs to the sights in the heavens and the rustle of the breeze in the leaves of the trees. It’s a grand sensory experience!
- Better YOU. Yes, you’re part of the gift equation! Taking regular hot tubs will give you a chance to clear your mind, open yourself up to new thoughts and get yourself centered. A terrific place to meditate and think of your place in the world and what you can achieve.
Plan now to make a Hot Spring Spa your ultimate holiday gift! Visit one of our showrooms today and check out the entire line of tubs and select the best fit for you. You’ll look back years from now and think to yourself, “What a great idea that was!”