One of the best parts of late summer is the show put on in the heavens each year. There is nothing quite like heading out to the hot tub late at night and taking in the night sky and the meteor showers that only happens at this time of year.
While lesser known, one meteor shower will be at its peak tonight into early tomorrow morning. The Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower can produce up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. While the nearly full moon might make it a challenge to see some of the brighter meteors in the shower, you should still be able to catch sight of a few good ones. Just before midnight till about 1:30 a.m. will likely afford you the best viewing opportunity. While the meteors radiate from the constellation Aquarius, they can appear anywhere in the nighttime heavens, so keep a sharp eye out!
Of course, the big daddy of meteor events is just around the corner. The Perseids Meteor Shower is such a treat every August. This show radiates from the constellation Perseus. Again, you should be able to see meteors anywhere in the night sky. This shower can produce up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak. While the shower runs this year from July 17th to August 24th, optimal viewing will be at the prime period in the late hours of August 12th into the early morning hours of August 13th. Head out to the hot tub around 11:30 p.m. to take full advantage of this light show. Fortunately, since the moon will be sliver thin (the New Moon arrives August 14th), its light will not impede on the meteor viewing.
As always, get the area for viewing as dark as possible for the show. Leave the hot tub lights off, and leave all exterior lighting off as well. It will give you the ideal environment to take in an exciting natural event that is really a treat to behold from the watery bliss of your hot tub!
Enjoy the show!