Yes, this really is a thing! July 14th is National Nude Day in America. Apparently the first National Nude Day in America was observed in 1976. The idea was to give everyone a chance to cool off on hot summer days. (Really, that’s the reasoning!)
There has long been an unwritten “modesty clause” in American culture regarding nudity—one certainly not found in many European countries to be sure. Over the years, enclaves have been established where public nudity is acceptable—nude beaches of course come to mind. Some events have even emerged to celebrate nudity, including World Naked Bike Ride events and the Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco. And…guess what? Public nudity is legal and protected in Oregon as free speech!
Where are we going with this? Well, it brings up the age old question of whether being nude or not nude in your hot tub is acceptable. Our friends at Olympic Hot Tub in Seattle posed this question over 30 years ago to its customers. In fact, the responses were even reported on in John Hinterberger’s column in The Seattle Times in the early ‘80’s!
The results of the survey way back then found that 94% of respondents indeed used their hot tub in the buff. When the survey was conducted a second time in 1999, the results were very similar.
It would seem that the experience of escaping to your own little corner of nature in your back yard and enjoying a soak in your hot tub au natural makes one feel relaxed and free (for a short time anyway) of all life’s limitations.
You may not choose to celebrate this little known holiday…but if you do, we hope you enjoy part of it in your Oregon Hot Tub.
Happy soaking.