…and it’s practically nothing! It’s true…over the last several years, Oregon Hot Tub has been searching for ways to get the water in our tubs as natural as we possibly can. Fewer chemicals allow for a healthier soak, prevent harsh drying effects on your skin, and afford you the chance to soak daily in H2O nearly equal to fresh water.
The first key ingredient to get to this healthy state has been a staple of Hot Spring Spas for 30 years—water that’s filtered and clean 100% of the time. It’s truly amazing in today’s world that more hot tubs aren’t manufactured to allow you to sit in the cleanest water possible. It simply makes sense. Yet, year after year consumers choose to buy hot tubs that allow them to sit in dirty water with other users. (When was the last time you decided to buy and drink partially filtered water??) Immersing your body in water that’s continually cleaned is really a key factor to healthy soaking in today’s world.
Once you have the best filtration in the world, the next step is to add the right product to the water that will soften your skin and avoid harsh manufactured bottled chemicals for hot tubs as much as possible. Two ways we make this possible at Oregon Hot Tub is with SilkBalance and the ACE Salt System. In this entry, we’re focusing on SilkBalance.
SilkBalance is a patented formula of concentrated ingredients to keep your tub auto-balanced. You avoid having to use multiple bottles of chemicals every week to keep your hot tub water in shape. One dose of SilkBalance in your tub once a week keeps hardness, alkalinity and pH levels in perfect harmony. You avoid water testing and balancing. Hot tub chemist no more!
SilkBalance also features sea salt in its buffered mixture. Adding sea salt to SilkBalance prevents the drying affects from sitting in a hot water environment. Since you’re already sitting in fewer chemicals, your skin actually benefits from the salt in SilkBalance. You’ll actually finish your soak finding your skin soft and silky to the touch. You’ll never feel the need to shower or moisturize after sitting in a Hot Spring Spa treated with SilkBalance. Using SilkBalance in your tub also keeps the water smelling fresh.
Here’s a great testimonial from one of our customers who loves SilkBalance:
“Thanks so much for recommending we try SilkBalance. As you know, I tried every single hot tub chemical system on the market before using Silk Balance, but the result was always the same – terrible eczema reaction. I went two years without ever using our hot tub. This was very difficult for me, because I purchased the tub for post-exercise therapy. Running a triathlon is not much fun if you can’t look forward to jumping into the hot tub afterwards.
“But finally, after two years and your recommendation, I agreed to try one more product before selling the tub. I can’t believe it. I’m back in the tub with no skin reaction whatsoever. It’s amazing. And the fact that I don’t have to constantly test the water is nice, especially since both my husband and I have very busy jobs! There’s no way I’m selling our hot tub now!
“Thanks again for recommending SilkBalance.”—George & Lisa, Salem, Oregon
Visit one of our stores today and dip your hand in water treated with SilkBalance. You’ll be sold!
Next up…we’ll explore our exciting ACE Salt System—A Hot Spring Spa exclusive.