Hot Tub Maintenance

Now you finally have a hot tub! Many wonderful years of relaxation are to come.

Wait… how do I take care of it again?

We’re here to help! 

First things first, you’ll want to consult your owners manual or a water care guide specific to your hot tub.

This will give you the best advice on how to care of your specific hot tub, as systems vary. However, here are some basic things to remember. 

Once a Week

Generally, it’s a good idea to test your water once a week & balance as needed. 

If chemicals are needed, add in frequent small amounts directly into the filter compartment, following the directions on the bottle as well as in your owner’s manual or guide.

This will help you stay in hot clean water!

Once a Month

A good practice to keep is cleaning your filters regularly. We recommend doing this once a month.

Remove your filters & clean them well with a hose. If you have multiple filters, it is also a good idea to rotate them for even ware. Then when you’re all done, place them back into your hot tub! 

Once Every Four Months

Depending on the type of system you have as well as the frequency of use, you will want to periodically drain, clean, and refill your hot tub. This may be necessary anywhere from 4-6 months, even up to a full year with certain systems. 

Every 4 months we recommend deep cleaning your filters with an authorized filter cleaner. Following the instructions on the bottle. This will help with filtration and expand the life of your filters. 

Water Maintenance Programs

We sincerely hope that this information has helped. 

We would also like to mention that we have several different water maintenance programs that can be tailored specifically to what you and your hot tub need!  We will come out and do ALL of this maintenance, and even more, so that you don’t have to! The only thing you need to do is sit back and relax. 

For more information on hot tub maintenance or to sign up for a water maintenance program please give us a call at (503) 941-9004 or visit our service department website

We look forward to being of assistance!