Cleansing Water Therapy – by Guest Blogger Joshua Green

Springtime is associated with new beginnings. The energy of the season is vigorous and dynamic, therefore bringing about conditions favorable for profound growth. While winter was a time for conservation and hibernation, spring is a time of renewal, regeneration, and revival as is witnessed all throughout nature. During this time, the seasonal energy tends to move up and out. We see this in the natural world in the form of blooms and buds. Classical Chinese Medical texts explain that this dynamic and inspiring season may naturally guide us to “rise early with the sun” and “take brisk walks”. This expansive energy may manifest as the desire for shedding extra winter weight, while starting new hobbies, resolutions and health habits. A cleanse can be a great way to jumpstart your health related goals. By allowing the body time and space to be relieved of its daily duties, it can purge food residues and emotional excesses which may present as dissatisfactions, anger, impatience, and desires. As a result, we often discover that we can survive on less, and feel more energized. Sleep improves, moods lighten, and quality of life can increase.

While cleansing water therapy is a great way to facilitate the bodyʼs natural purification response during these spring months, hence the term “Spring Clean”! Whether through hot tubbing, cold water plunge, infared sauna, or swimming, water can connect us to that inherent urge to cleanse, and let go of whatʼs unnecessary in our lives. In conjunction with a balanced lifestyle and mindful daily habits, water therapy provides an effective and approachable way to enhance optimum function in the body.

Joshua Green LAc, LMT, is beginning a 21-day spring cleanse program that includes, 2 group consults, 6 Acupuncture treatments, Qi gong sessions, informational packets, recipes along with many other great tools to help you achieve your health goals. See the Sacred Root Acupuncture website for more details or call 503-896-9802.