Enjoy Perseids from your hot tub

It’s that time of year when once again nature bestows on us one of the most striking displays ideal for enjoying from your hot tub. Perseids is coming this Thursday & Friday on August 11th & 12th. And, this year all indicators point to a truly terrific show!


The optimal time this year for getting the greatest show will be Thursday evening into the early hours of Friday morning. If you’re willing to stay up late into the night, the young moon will set at 1:09 a.m. and give you a better night sky setting for meteor sighting.


According to the International Meteor Organization, if you’re willing to invest that late night viewing time you could be in for quite a treat. Normally, when Perseid arrives in August it offers up about 50-100 shooting stars in an hour. This year, however, predictions are pointing to an unusually exciting show of up to 150 meteors an hour! Some astronomers think it could even hit the 200 mark.


If the night sky cooperates and you get a clear vantage point from your hot tub, you could absolutely celebrate summer in a special way. Since viewing is best with as little light cutting your star show, be sure you soak with your hot tub’s lighting off and any exterior house lighting off as well. The darker the environment, the better your chances for a truly stunning show.


Of course, Perseid’s arrival also means that summer is starting to wind down and fall will soon be upon us. Make the most of the remaining time to enjoy our terrific Northwest nights.


Happy Perseids! And happy soaking!